Monday, September 25, 2006

Dora the Explorer

A little more practice with the explorer and I think that I might stop making people bleed. I can't wait until it just feels natural, I think that i say that about every technique that we learn, but it's true.
I am nervous for some of the first tests that we have coming up. I really over booked myself last week and I hardly had the chance to study, so I feel that I have alot of catching up to do. It's hard to find the time during the week because I go to work right after school, I have to have money. then on the weekends, who wants to study?
If I study all of the time then I will never get married!! I'm not too concerned about the whole marriage thing as much as I used to be, but I must say that I look at all of the married people in our class and I can't helpo but to want it myself just a little bit. I may sound like a boy-crazy gal, but I think there is nothing more edifying and beautiful as loving someone else with all of your heart. I realize that I am living it easy not having to worry about all of the house stuff while I live at home, but just like everything else, there are pros and cons.
I can honestly say though, that I am really starting to love the program. I feel that I am learning so much and that I am building some of the coolest friendships. Each day that goes by, I think, 'oh, no, we are that much closer to being done and not seeing each other again'. So I am going to try to live up and appreciate each day.
Lucky me.


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